Donatella Privitera graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce, with an MSc in Agri-food Economics, is a full professor of Geography. She teaches economic geography with implications for tourism, environmental changes, and urbanization processes at the University of Catania (Department of Educational Sciences). Currently, she is the coordinator of the Tourism Sciences degree course; a member of the university research center “Geographical Design and Research Center – Progeo” and of Cutgana “University Center for the Protection and Management of Natural Environments and Agro-ecosystems”. Her research focuses primarily on topics in economic geography, food and tourism. In particular, she deals with: territorial valorization for tourism purposes with a focus on gastronomic tourism; sustainability and sustainable urban mobility; technological innovation in tourism. Currently, she is the head of the local unit in Catania for the “Emplacing Food. Narratives, policies and spaces in Italy” research project supported by the Italian National Research Programme 2020.